Colmar Schulte-Goltz – Shanghai Symphony

Sebastian Heiner is an individualist, which is a rare occurrence in the contemporary art market. With great severity, Heiner commits to an authentic thoroughbred painting. Though the artist works in phases, once in abstract gestures, another time depictive, his individuality remains apparent.


Andreas Seifert – The Feeling Eye

Here is truly no idyll; the Oriental and the World Financial Tower, the old and the new landmarks of Shanghai, show themselves dim and dismal in the haze. The eye loses itself in the confusion of buildings and highways. The horizon is not visible.


Andreas Seifert – The Feeling Eye

Here is truly no idyll; the Oriental and the World Financial Tower, the old and the new landmarks of Shanghai, show themselves dim and dismal in the haze. The eye loses itself in the confusion of buildings and highways. The horizon is not visible.


Patrick Dreher – Lingering in the alien land

“My thought always brings me further and further… I must drive it back, or I will be detainded in Beijing for too long time”, Sebastian Heiner writes in a Christmas card far from Berlin. Its Beijing, the vigorous, adventurous and strange metropolis with a population of more than ten millions that keeps lingering in his mind.



“我的思想总是越飘越远, 我得集中精神,别让他把我勒绊在北京太久。” 塞巴斯蒂安,海纳在一份发自遥远柏林的圣诞祝福中写道。正是这个拥有上千万人口的大都市北京,它生气勃勃,消魂迷魄而又陌生,久久回荡在他心头。在这个城市里, 现代化的发展方兴未艾,势不可挡,拥有多条车道的马路上处处车辆拥挤,两边耸立着冲天而起的高楼大厦,宾馆酒店和购物中心。


东游记 – 德国艺术家Sebastian Heiner个展

2004年春天, 德国艺术家Sebastian Heiner在柏林Mitte区的家, 方桌上摆着友人送的关于中国的书,《巴尔扎克与小裁缝》,《龙的故乡》等等。这些书的封面或是龙的图案或是有着大辫子细眼睛的女孩子,带着这些印象,Sebastian开始了他的中国之旅。


Record of a Journey to the East – Preface

Berlin is a city that has gone through devastation and continual reconstruction. District Mitte, which was originally situated in Eastern Berlin, has gradually turned into a growing art communitiy of the city.



柏林,一个曾经被摧毁,后又被不断重建的城市。 原处东柏林的Mitte区近几年来渐渐成为城中新兴艺术区。出生在西柏林的艺术家Sebastian Heiner,近年来一直生活工作在那里。


Manuela Lintl – Sebastian Heiner

The history of painting is often no less suspensful than an exciting historical novel. From the very beginning with prehistoric cave paintings to the strictly iconographic rules of the middle ages, from the blossoming of modernity and on to the battles waged among historicism, naturalism and impressionism in the ninetheenth centrury – all this ultimately leads in the twentieth century to the unleashing of pure paint.


Michaela Nolte – Paintings/Sculptures

“But Paradise is barred, and the cherup is is behind us; we must undertaken a journey around the world to see if somewhere, perhaps on the far side, it is still open.” – Heinrich von Kleist On the Puppet-Theatre Wurzelmann 1996
