东游记 – 德国艺术家Sebastian Heiner个展

2004年春天, 德国艺术家Sebastian Heiner在柏林Mitte区的家, 方桌上摆着友人送的关于中国的书,《巴尔扎克与小裁缝》,《龙的故乡》等等。这些书的封面或是龙的图案或是有着大辫子细眼睛的女孩子,带着这些印象,Sebastian开始了他的中国之旅。


Record of a Journey to the East – Preface

Berlin is a city that has gone through devastation and continual reconstruction. District Mitte, which was originally situated in Eastern Berlin, has gradually turned into a growing art communitiy of the city.



柏林,一个曾经被摧毁,后又被不断重建的城市。 原处东柏林的Mitte区近几年来渐渐成为城中新兴艺术区。出生在西柏林的艺术家Sebastian Heiner,近年来一直生活工作在那里。


Record of a Journey to the East – Preface

Berlin is a city that has gone through devastation and continual reconstruction. District Mitte, which was originally situated in Eastern Berlin, has gradually turned into a growing art communitiy of the city.


Nie Mu – Record of a Journey to the East

In the spring of 2004, German artist Sebastian Heiner sat in his home in Berlin’s Mitte district. Laid out on a table in front of him were the books about China given to him by friends – “Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress”, “Home of the Dragon”, and so on.


Dr. Huang Du – The abstract Discolation…

German artist Sebastian Heiner arrived in Beijing in April 2004 and began to immerse himself in this foreign culture. As a painter, he naturally chooses to express his understanding of this culture through painting. There is certain looseness and freedom has its preconditons, since it has arisen from a specific locality. To be more exact, he’s set himself free in his work by re-discovering himself in another culture. He’s created a new series of works based on such instinct.
